Sea School day 4

Today was also awesome, without the riptide and drowning. We went to go canoeing. I thought that we were just going to ride around in the canoe while the counselor paddled. It turned out that we all had to paddle and we were not very good at it. That’s probably because we were all looking around for dolphins and then leaping out of our seats when we saw one. We saw so many dolphins that I lost count.  They were SO cool! We also went seining and we caught so many minnows, we had to let some go. For those of you that don’t know, seining is when two people drag a long net through the water. We were catching critters for the tanks back at Sea School. After a long time, we went back to eat lunch. Then we went out to go surfing. Today I managed to surf for real and NOT fall off. I was so happy. Someone stepped on a living horse conch, and we saw its orange body and eyes. It spit on a lot of people, but not me! Then I alone saw a manatee’s head bulge out. I couldn’t believe that everybody missed it! For the last part of the day we got free choice, so I watched Dolphin Tale. It’s really good, so I recommend it.


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