Como te llamas?

A phrase which here means: "how are your llamas". Today we went to the Incalpaca and Michell factory stores. They make clothes from llama, alpaca and vicuna hair. Both had little camelid zoos. At the Michell , you can actually pet alpacas and llamas, but at Incalpaca they had all 4 camelids, but no petting. After pestering the camelids enough, we went shopping. I bought a bag, a t shirt, and 2 balls of alpaca wool yarn. Later, from a shop we passed I bought a reversible chullo hat with llamas on it made from alpaca and a matching scarf and gloves. Along the way we saw the world's coolest walk/ don't walk light. I'll post the video here. Finally we went to Touristic Restaurant on the Top.


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