The next day, breakfast was nutella on top of pita bread. We went to wait for our bus that would take us to the ferry. We were there on time, but we waited for a long time. A grey bus passed and the driver stared at us before driving away. 20 minutes later, we discovered that was the bus that was supposed to take us there; we called and they told him to come back and get us. There was only one ferry a day to go to Grimsey. The whole bus was going to hate us if we missed it. We made it to the ferry with just minutes to spare and 3 hours later, we got to Grimsey.

So, how was the Arctic Circle, you ask? Thanks for asking; it was really cold. We walked for a while and saw so many puffins that in some places they covered the rocks. They were really cute, and they were flying everywhere. They perched all along the cliff sides next to their little burrows. We also saw tons of other birds. We were repeatedly attacked by Arctic terns. They came in droves and swooped down to stab us with their beaks. We ran screaming across the fields. One area where they were really bad was the marker for the Arctic Circle. They were nesting in the field beside the marker. We walked for hours, and then went to a café where they had superb hot chocolate. We wrote postcards and then we went back to the boat. We then got back on the bus and 45 minutes after that, we were back at the hostel. I gave my parents sad, exhausted face so I could get pizza for dinner and went to bed (after the Spain/ Portugal game,).
More Grimsey pictures, mostly of puffins here: