Sea School day 2
Today’s sea school was awesome, and it was raining this morning, so we rode in the car. Let me repeat that, because I was very excited about not riding 6 miles in the rain. We rode in the car. Anyways, we made beanbag fish. I was OK at the target toss, however, I got out first in the toss and catch. Now everybody thinks I’m a southpaw because I throw with my left hand. We played Predator and I stayed in a bucket the entire time and nobody saw me. Then I won the blind thief game, where we put foil on a snorkel mask and put it on someone. Then we put our beanbag fish at the person’s feet and tried to get a fish before they tagged us. We then proceeded to eat lunch and after that, we went surfing. I was better, but then my surf group leader told us to do something interesting as we stood up. I wanted to do a hang ten. I was not exactly sure how to do it, but it looked pretty easy on TV when Ms. Frizzle did it. Apparently I had a temporary brain lapse, as I forgot you need a wave to do that. I was shocked when I did a nosedive and flipped the surfboard over. My second, slightly stupid-induced move was to pirouette on the surfboard. I lifted one foot and extended my hands slowly… and then gracefully fell face-first into the water. So much for that. We then did monofin races. They tied swim flippers together, and then you put them on your feet. And then you raced somebody who also only had use of flippers. My mask was a large. A LARGE. Do I look like I have a large face? Needless to say, I lost. We then played echo-location, which is Marco Polo, but when the person that is it says “echo”, you say “location”. Then we just played around in the water until it was time to go.