Paparoa to Auckland

July 26, 2008
We drove to Abel Tasman, with golden beaches, not fake gold, real gold and blue seas. We wanted to go kayaking, but blame the 4 meter swells – I’m not writing about this on the 27th. Second of all on the 27th we had a boat to catch. I was in the car and nearly rotted to death from boredom. We drove on horrible roads and when we got close to the edge of the road I thought we were going to fall off the edge. Other than that, I didn’t pay 1/12th of attention to the road.

July 27, 2008
We took a ferry to the North Island, as in a week and a half our adventure to ‘wonderland” would be over. The sea was bumpy, and I like to look out of windows if not go out on deck, but seldom did I look out, because my parents told me I couldn’t do anything else until I was finished with my book. We had to take a nap because if you are rocking to and fro like a mad child stamping and moving wildly that is okay, but if you are rocking like a mother rocks her baby, only in a giant cradle, it seems to hypnotize you and make you sleepy.
When we got there we drove to a campground and saw sleeping ducks, sleeping in the rain.

July 28, 2008
This morning we were surrounded by ducks and my mom lent me a piece of bread so I could feed them. The noise was unbelievable. Ducks pecked, quacked and jumped and pecked, quacked and jumped. They flapped and fought for food. After the ducks saw I wasn’t feeding them anymore, they went to surround another camper.
We went to Te Papa and saw Bush City and saw a fish tank with healthy fish and healthy plants. Then we went to a cave (fake) with glow worms (fake) and then ate a snack, and got on the road. We also saw bags of pony poo, 1 dollar a bag. I am sorry, that is a bargain, even for pony poo.

July 29, 2008
If you’ve ever gone on roads with snow and ice and grit on them, tell me. We drove to Mt. Ruapehu so I could play in the snow. Me and my dad had a snowball fight where we mostly kicked hard snow out of the way. After playing in the snow, we went off to the Agrodome.
There we had the company of two sheep dogs, who didn’t like the fake sheep dog statue. We went to the room for the show and saw the sheep, some of which I petted. Then the show began. First, the sheep were put on stage. They grabbed others’ food on the way and had to pushed on. The people put a gate in front of one sheep, who easily jumped over it.
Then he brought out a sheep and dragged it to a platform and sheared it. Then he threw some wool and we got some. Then he brought out a sheep dog and 2 ducks, who outdid the sheep dog. Next, 4 people got to milk a cow. The cow just ate like a pig the whole time.
Next 4 people let lambs drink from baby bottles. Then the sheep dog ran over and on sheep. Then we pet lambs, sheep and sheep dogs. Then we watched a sheep dog chase 3 sheep into a small gateway. Next we saw a giant machine comb sheep’s wool, which was afterwards spun into yarn.

July 30, 2008
We drove to the Rotorua Museum and I saw a piece of basalt that was hollow and found out the Pink and White Terraces blew up with Lake Rotomahana when Mt. Tarawera exploded. 120 people were killed that night.
After going underground, looking at where people took their mud baths, and laughing at a movie of a grumpy nurse, we saw a movie where the chairs shook. It was about an evil spirit that made a volcano erupt shortly after a group of people canoeing saw a war canoe that suddenly disappeared.
After that, we went to the café, along the way seeing 4 pukekos. The café was filled with birds and bird manure. Then we went back to the camper soaking wet.

July 31, 2008
We went to Hahei Beach and I played with a stick. There was a stream, broken shells, and pine cones. We played for a while, then went to the camper and played Uno and Pass the Pigs and then went to bed.

August 1, 2008
First we went to Stingray Bay, which was just rocks. As the waves came, I threw rocks into the water. Then we went to Cathedral Cove. On the walk I found a stick and played with it on the beach. Have you ever seen “Prince Caspian”? Well, if yes, did you know, when Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan first went back into Narnia from out of the train station through the arch, that was Cathedral Cove? I scared sea gulls, noticed a waterfall with a rainbow in it, and got in a triangular hole/short cave.
The sand was a bright, rosy, pink color. Next we went to Gemstone Bay, which was also just rocks. We climbed over the rocks, then went to Hot Water Beach, where we cooked our feet and found shells that looked like a ram’s horn.
When we went back our feet were covered in sand. I did not want to get in the sea water when it came up because it was cold.
Then we went to Orewa and found a campground, went to the playground, which was too wet, then went to the beach, where we found a lot of whelks and clams. The clams, like all clams, were clammy. I picked up dead ones and opened and closed their mouths. I picked up a live one and threw it into the water quickly, because it hissed at me. Then we went back.

August 2, 2008
We went to the Kauri Museum. A Kauri is a giant tree, which I have not put on this blog entry. First we saw two rooms with Kauri desks, slabs and frames. Next we saw displays or life sizes dioramas of how Kauri trees were used by people back then.
Next we saw how gum diggers lived. It didn’t sound that pleasant. They were up to their armpits in swamps digging holes at daytime and at nighttime they slept on burlap sacks. Next we saw a room full of antiques from households, like a cash register from Ohio and a Primus stove.
Then we went to the gum room which had models of buildings made out of Kauri gum. When we were done with that I bought a “mere”, or a war club, but I got the liver remover kind of club.
Next we went to the Kauri forest. First we went to the “Four Sisters”, along the walk seeing a sort of fungus. The 4 Sisters were 4 Kauri trees, mind you, I did say that Kauri trees were huge, and so these were. Next we saw the “Father of the Forest”. It was a light gray and was very wide around. We had to break our backbones and spinal cords trying to see the top, which was impossible.
Then we went to see the tallest tree. Of course, we broke our backbones and spinal cords trying to see the top of it. We couldn’t, so we gave up trying to do it, and went back to the car.
We drove some more and stopped at a hotel in Paihia. We went to eat out at a pizzeria where the food was delicious. We went back to the hotel and watched a game of rugby where the players did the “Haka”, which is a war dance.

August 3, 2008
First we got on a boat for four hours, and saw a gannet, a seabird with a yellow head. The water was a light blue with dark blue spots. Islands were dotted with sheep and trees. Sometimes the water looked golden. We looked outside and saw the “Hole in the Rock”. We couldn’t go through the Hole in the Rock due to sea conditions.
We got on an island and were there for a while. Lots of sea urchins were on the beach. We also saw two whole starfish and one starfish arm. Then we went to the café and had some fries. The boat suddenly blowed or made some sort of noise and we got back onboard. We didn’t see any sea life. We sailed back and found a campground.

August 4, 2008
We drove to the Honey Centre and ate at the café. Then we watched the bees with pollen on the go in and out of the bee hive. Busy, busy bees. They didn’t even stop when it started to rain. Then we went to the gift shop and bought honey soap after I tried three kinds of honey. Then we went back to find a campground on the way seeing beautiful rainbows.


Anonymous said…
...and it sounds like you found treasures at the end of all the rainbows you have seen! What fun. We can't wait to your real life commentary when you get home. Love, Kahlua and Hobbs
Anonymous said…

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